Games With Widgets

Find a jumping off point for a game.
What do these letters stand for?
Come up with scenes as if you're a television and someone is randomly switching channels.
Power Leveler
Take an idea or concept and level it to its extremes
Fancy Panels
Write a comic starting with some fancy panels
Theme Days
Start every day with a theme to research.

New Games

powerLeveler icon
Power Leveler
Take an idea or concept and level it to its extremes
fancyPanels icon
Fancy Panels
Write a comic starting with some fancy panels
themeDays icon
Theme Days
Start every day with a theme to research.

Top Games

powerLeveler icon
Power Leveler
Take an idea or concept and level it to its extremes
fancyPanels icon
Fancy Panels
Write a comic starting with some fancy panels
prompter icon
Find a jumping off point for a game.
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